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Avoid A HOWLIDAY Disaster

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

Every year thousands of dogs across America get sick from food during the holiday season. Here at Dog Heaven Dog Park, we want to make sure that you and your furry friends have a wonderful, and healthy holiday. That is why we find it important to spread the knowledge of what can and cannot be given to your pet. Below are some food choices that should be avoided, and some that can be given.

What NOT to give your 4-legged friends

Chocolate- Chocolate is a very popular gift during the holiday season that is very toxic to dogs. Keep all chocolate at an elevated surface that cannot be reached!

Nutmeg- Who would have thought this spice would be such a danger! Make sure to not give your dog anything with nutmeg in it.

Macadamia Nuts- This lovely addition to any cookie can cause some not so lovely effects on your dog.

Alcohol- Dogs love to drink anything they can get their tongues

in, make sure all drinks are up and away!

Bones- We know bones are a tempting toy for your furry friend, but any bones left from the turkey should be thrown out!

Turkey Skin- Some may say the skin is the best part, but for your dogs it is not. The skin can be difficult to digest so don't share.

Garlic- Everyone loves the taste of garlic, unfortunately, it is not good to share with our furry family members.

Avocado- Avocados are very popular now a days, and even though they seem harmless, they can be toxic for your dog. Keep the guacamole on your chip and don't share with your furry friend.

Grapes and Rasins- Can't have one without the other, I think that is how the saying goes. But since Rasins are just dried up grapes, avoid giving your dog both of those things as they can result in kidney failure.

Raw Bread Dough- Making bread from scratch can be a fun process, even if it is tempting to give your pet a taste of the uncooked dough, it can cause problems.

Caffeine- We at Dog Heaven Dog Park live off of caffeine, unfortunately our furry friends cannot join in on the fun.

Dairy- Just like a lot of people, dogs cannot handle dairy products, so it is best to avoid giving it to them

Some things that are OK to share

  • Carrots

  • Turkey (without the bones)

  • Green Beans

  • Mashed Potatoes (best without the butter)

  • Pumpkin

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Scrambled Eggs

  • Cooked chicken

  • Rice

  • Cucumbers

Some Tips

It can be hard to make sure your dog doesn't eat what they aren't supposed to. Here are some tips to help make sure accidents don't happen and the holiday season can go smoothly.

  • Make guests aware that they should not feed your dog

  • Keep all treats, and special holiday treats in cabinets

  • If having big family meals, put your pet away

  • Keep your pet on their regular feeding schedule

  • Keep an extra eye on your dog during this busy time

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