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Ulti-MUTT Fun Facts

Many people like to read and learn about fun and interesting facts, but what about some dog fun facts?

  • Dogs have 300 million smell receptors in their noses

  • Dogs dream just like people do

  • Puppies are born with their eyes close and open them later on

  • The United States has the highest dog population

  • Dogs lack appendix (fair enough, us people don't really need them either)

  • They have less tastebuds than compared to humans

  • Sweat glands in dogs are in their paws

  • Dogs are not color blind (crazy right), they can see yellow and blue pretty well

  • Dogs can learn to detect blood sugar levels, seizures, and much more

  • Dogs yawn to calm down

  • When people pet dogs, their blood pressures lower

  • The most prominent health problem in dogs is their weight, obesity is a major health concern

  • Dogs can sense time (they certainly know when it is time to eat)

  • Dogs can sense your emotions (they know just when to curl up next to us)

  • There were three dogs that survived the titanic

  • Dogs get separation anxiety

  • Chocolate can be deadly to dogs (keep it up and away)

  • Dalmatians are born without spots

  • They are a man's best friend :)


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