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Winter Pup Tips

As temperatures drop it is important to know to properly keep our furry friends safe from the weather and outdoor dangers this winter.

CLOTHING: If you are cold, so are your pets! It is best to take out pets only when the sun is up, because the temperatures drop significantly at night. If there is snow protect their paws with dog shoes and socks, ensuring to take them off when not outside. Paw protection in cold weather is important, to routinely check and moisturize them. There are also coats, shirts, blankets, hats, and gloves that dogs can wear to keep them warm and protect from the weather.

HYPOTHERMIA. If you are going to take your pets outside, it is critical that they are always supervised. It is important to know signs of hypothermia in pets, shivering, stiff muscles, pale or gray gums, stumbling or lack of coordination, collapse, low heart and breathing rates, or fixed and dilated pupils. If this happens to your pets immediately take them indoors, use blankets and heating pads, and warm water to raise their body temperature.

DEHYDRATION. Just like humans, dogs do not tend to drink as much water in cold temperature, so it is critical that you give your dog plenty of water. There are signs that can identify if your dog is dehydrated, such as eyes sunken into skull, rapid heart rate, weak pulse, bright red gums, mucous membranes, unconsciousness, and weakness. To treat dehydration, make your dog drink water periodically, you can mix electrolytes, let them lick ice, but do not allow them to drink water too fast because it could cause them to vomit. The best solution is to contact a vet if the symptoms do not decrease or disappear altogether.

MOVEMENT. As temperature drops and pets spend less time outside it is still important for dogs to still be active and move. The best way to stay active is to go on walks during the warmest times of the day. Indoors they can walk around the house, teach them new tricks, and play with them. You can even walk you dog on the treadmill, that is one of our training techniques!

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