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Exciting Beginnings

Updated: Oct 9, 2021

Welcome to Dog Heaven’s official website! We are very pleased to have it up and running as now you guys can easily connect with our staff, learn more about our company, and follow us along our journey as we grow to become people’s first choice for their furry loved ones needs.

To kick off this website lets first start by properly introducing Dog Heaven and all the things it stands for. Dog Heaven was created in mind to be a place where we can provide, engage, educate, treat, service, supply, and share experiences with dogs. Including but not limited to our furry friends with disabilities from the community. All this will be achieved through housing welcoming facilities as well as a variety of online media to reach the members within our community who would like to treat their pets to a little fun. A wide range of amenities and services will be provided to ensure that the dog’s needs are meet from head to toe. They deserve just as much of a quiet relaxing day as any other person would enjoy as well. And reaching this end goal of satisfaction is what we strive for here at Dog Heaven dog park!

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