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Updated: Dec 6, 2021

We all know the importance of keeping up with our own personal hygiene.... but what about our pet's hygiene? Grooming our pets is essential to their health and maintenance and should not be ignored. Unfortunately, dogs cannot groom themselves like cats can, so they rely on us to do so. Even though we may find it annoying, and tedious, it actually has great benefits for you and your dog. Plus, it is always possible to make it fun (who doesn't love a good bubble bath). Below are some benefits to grooming our pets.

  • Cleaning your animals can help prevent infections and ensure they smell better

  • Clipping their nails helps with discomfort

  • Brushing can help with tangles and hair matting, along with making sure their coats are healthy

  • Grooming can be a health check and make you aware of any bumps or lumps

  • Grooming can help prevent fleas and ticks

  • Bathing can promote bonding with you and your pup

  • Clean ears help them hear and can prevent discomfort

  • If your dog has face folds, cleaning the dirt can help prevent bacteria from getting trapped and causing painful swelling

  • Cleaning the anal area can prevent itching

  • Cleaning their teeth can prevent tooth loss and broken teeth

  • Cleaning their teeth also makes their breath smell better.

  • Your furniture can stay clean

  • Your clothes will have less dog hair (especially if you regularly brush them)

  • The smell of your house can overall be better, especially if the dog is able to stay clean

Tips On Grooming Your Dog

  • Make sure you have all the supplies ready

  • Get a separate set of towels so yours don't get ruined

  • Get soap that meets their needs, for example- if your pup has long hair get shampoo that is meant for long haired dogs

  • Make sure water temp is not too cold or too hot

  • Grab someone your dog is comfortable with to help out

  • Put clothes on that are ok to get wet and dirty

  • Put away distractions so no one gets hurt

  • Get reliable nail clippers, these are especially important, so you don't clip your pup!

  • Find a place for your pup to dry out

  • Make sure to review the instructions on any medications and special products

  • Grab treats! A long day of being pampered can be hard so make sure to reward them

Sometimes, dogs can get really aggressive or anxious when it comes to grooming. This can be for a multitude of things, but if this is the case it is important that you exercise extra caution. If a vet is needed to get specific things done, like nail clipping or teeth brushing, make appointments in advance so your dog can be up to shine!

Of course, if anything is concerning or issues come up, talk to their vet to make sure everything is ok.

No matter if your pet is professionally groomed or groomed by you it is important it gets done. It can prevent future problems and makes sure your dogs are always happy and healthy!

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