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Just Dog It

Are you thinking about getting your first ever puppy? Have you considered the level of commitment it takes to introduce a pet into your home? Stressed or worried if you're making the right decision?

Approximately 1.6 million dogs are adopted each year at the shelter, however there is a large amount of those dogs that are either returned to the shelter and euthanized or dogs who unfortunately become strays. So in this article we are tackling the topic of whether you are ready to become a dog owner.

Like any big decision in life, consequences are bound to happen. Adopting a dog has its fair share of problems to run into which can negatively affect a new dog owner's decision, possibly leading to second thoughts. If you or someone you know is looking to take in a dog, it's important to consider what you're getting yourself into when introducing a new member to your home.

Consider the following questions:

  • Am I financially ready to pay for all of my dog's needs? expenses Including food, furniture, vet visits, grooming, toys, housing fees and more. Note, within 10 years, it would cost on average $15,000 to own a dog

  • Do I have the time for a dog? Owning a dog either from a puppy or adult is like getting a child, you need the time and place to emotionally and physically tend to the dog needs or the dog's health can be affected.

  • Is my home dog friendly? Apartment, house, complex or anything else, it's important to evaluate the environment you expect a dog to be placed in. Considering that dogs, if big or small, the amount of space they need to roam or access to outside all play a big part in a dog's required lifestyle.

  • Am I willing to make changes to my everyday life to accommodate a dog. Considering many factors above, it comes down to the level of commitment and patience the owner will have. It takes real evaluation of your personality and desire for wanting a dog to know if you're making the right choice.

Though in this article, we bring into light many negative aspects that could occur when having a dog, it's important to also think about the benefits of having a dog. Don't feel discourage to look the other way, having man's best friend by your side could be the best decision of your life when considering the right questions

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