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Over a million cases of accidents have been reported in the past 2 years due to bad dog behavior. Many bad habits can be corrected however with the appropriate training, though on average, 40% of dogs in the united states are trained professionally. There many benefits to training your dog, having a major impact on their development and behavior in the environment.

What Are The Benefits Of Training Your Dog?

1. Improved Social Interactions Outside Home

Through training, dogs learn the ability to control hyper active states of happiness which can be overwhelming in various situations. Control of this type of activity will allow for easier encounters with other animals or people. For example when a dog owner brings a guest into their home and the dog's behavior is out of control. Through behavioral training, these conflicts can be addressed.

2. Safer around dangerous environments

Basic listening training can further provide a safer relationship to both dog and owner as to avoid dangerous situations. For example, a huge danger hazard to thousands of dogs are streets and on coming traffic, many dogs are not trained to avoid the streets and listening to owners when to stay away from on coming cars.

3. Strengthens the bonds between Pet and Owner

Through time and dedication, the amount of effort put into training can improve the connection between owner and dog. Better communication and loyalty is made as well as improved emotions. A well-behaved dog will result in a proud satisfied owner.

4. Allows for Decrease in Resources Used

By having a trained dog, the owner and dog will be saving on materials used such as toys, food, dog beds, perhaps even preventing visits to the vet. By preventing bad behaviors or patterns, the chances and likelihood that resources will be destroyed or wasted.

5. Enhances quality of health

The health, activity, and mental well being are all factors that can be improved through different types of training. Finding healthy patterns and exercises that training will provide can allow for a prolonged life span.

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